Drove the 13 or so miles home last night without any warnings appearing, paying close attention to any bumps on the road that may have triggered anything, but all good. I'll see how things go. Car going in for its MOT this weekend so will maybe ask the mechanic if he can see anything obvious while he's doing that.
I am wondering if someone knows here if the Pulsar (2016- 1.2 115 hp) has a idling stop disable button like in the Note or Quas Quai?
If so, where is it?? . I hate this stop start. I feel it's unsafe. The other day I stopped my Pulsar at a red traffic light, then the light turned green, I stepped on the gas ,in first, and the car stalled. A car almost hit me from behind as I couldn't get it to start up fast enough. It also had the same kind of stall in heavy traffic. I feel not safe with this. Thanks.
Yes there is a button to disable it. It is located below and to the right of the steering wheel on right hand drive cars. It has to be pressed every time the car is started to deactivate. There is no way I'm aware of to deactivate it permanently.
As kt53 states there is a button to disable the stop/start , you have to press it every time you start the car, but it's worth the effort to disable the ridiculous start/stop.
I have attached a photo which I hope makes it clear which button to press.
Thanks a lot for that photo and help here!! ..that is good news !! I spoke to a performance place here in Poland , where I am based, and they say they can turn it off permanently with the computer. They of course can turn it back on too if needed. This Nissan Start Stop is a joke or a Juke ) and it needs an overhaul.. I mean it is not stable and I feel its unsafe. I hope this button is on mine and I cannot see it in the user manual anywhere.
^^ Interesting that they have said that, as all other reports suggest that dealers say that this is a feature that cant be disabled.
There is a guy on the QQ forums who appears very clued up which has a similar system to the Pulsar, and he created an automated module to switch Stop/start off by faking a press of the SS button!
I think by law Nissan cannot have it disabled in the CPU..It would break the system and the design of the car by it's blueprint plans.. It is like tampering with it. For sure they can as it's all in the computer. Perhaps an update in the computer though could improve the Nissan Idle Stop behaviour. They just need more insurance claims of accidents and proving it is the fault of this.
I had the same problem as described by syneman with the car stalling when pulling away from lights etc. I finally worked out that I had to wait 2 or 3 seconds, which seems an eternity, between depressing the clutch and actually attempting to pull away. Testing the system when away from traffic showed revs shooting up to about 2000 and then dropping right back down almost to 0 as Stop/Start reactivated. Since changing my driving style I've only had on stall, that was when the lights changed to green just as I stopped. Stop/Start 'stopped' and didn't reactivate fast enough when I tried to pull away. I still thing the system is a pain in the backside because it doesn't operate with any consistency. I'd love to disable it permanently.