Discount on GAP Insurance

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Post by Rob »

If you are thinking of taking out a GAP insurance product then we've managed to secure a great deal on already heavily discounted insurance policies taken out through ALA.

All Club members will receive a 5% discount too - just follow the link below: and use code: forum123

Have you thought about gap insurance?
From the moment you drive your car away from the dealer forecourt its value automatically depreciates. This depreciation will increase drastically over the course of you owning that car.
You may not be aware but should the worst happen and your vehicle is stolen or is involved in an accident where it is damaged beyond repair, even if you have fully comprehensive insurance, you will only receive the current market value as a payout from that insurer.

This could result in a shortfall of up to two-thirds of the value of the vehicle in as little as 3 years. Crucially a motor insurance company may not pay enough to settle the outstanding finance on the vehicle.

By purchasing GAP insurance this shortfall can be prevented. A GAP policy covers the difference in price between the initial price paid for a car and the market value payout by your comprehensive insurance company. It therefore ensures that you don't suffer the financial loss otherwise associated with the loss of your car through theft or irreparable damage.

Are you thinking this will never happen to you?.........
UK Car Crime is a third of all crime
A vehicle is stolen every minute, 33% of these are never recovered
Cars depreciate by up to 77% over a 3 year period
Motor insurance settlements are always less than the price you pay for your car
When a write off occurs you lose out and have to raise the funds for any short fall
Write offs occur all too often; protect yourself!
Why AL£
Market Value Clause
Make sure there isn't one! This clause means that the GAP company will only pay from the Glass's Guide Retail value. If your Comprehensive Insurer settles for less, you could well end up with a shortfall. ALA does not have one.

Maximum Value Clause
You don't want one of these either! This means that the value of your car is typically capped at 105% of Glass's Guide Retail value. If you have added some extras, which is very common, these extras may not be covered under your GAP policy. ALA does not have one.

Free Transfer
Of any unused premium and FREE policy amendments. ALA offers this.

Claim Period
If you have ever suffered a Total Loss Claim, you will know the level of stress it can cause, you may even forget to contact the GAP Insurer straight away. The better policies will give you 120 days to make a claim, lesser policies limit this to 30 days. ALA offers 120 days.

UK Registered Insurers
Buying from a UK insurer means that it is directly authorised and regulated by the FSA, which in turn offers you policy protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, will give you the security you need. Other GAP providers use off-shore insurers, who, although licensed to sell GAP Insurance in the UK, ultimately can step away from their obligations without redress. ALA are UK registered.

Extra features now available - all with our exclusive benefit! (Only when purchased with GAP)

Alloy Wheel Insurance
ALA Alloy Wheel insurance covers your car's Alloy Wheels for the repair of light, accidental damage.
Policies are available for up to 3 years with the ability to make up to 3 claims per years over the course of the policy.
Tyre Insurance
ALA Tyre Insurance repairs or replaces the tyres on your car, light van or motorcycle when damaged either accidentally or maliciously. Cover can be purchased for up to 3 years with up to 5 claims over the course of the policy.
Scratch and Dent Insurance
ALA Scratch and Dent insurance covers the cost of minor body damage to your car, occurring within the geographical limits of the UK.
Policies are available for up to 3 years with the ability to make up to 3 claims per years over the course of the policy.

Unsure about ALA
I've had a lot of people ask if this cover is as good as their dealers and if so why is it so cheap. Well to put it bluntly - your dealer is making a lot of money off this product! GAP insurance from ALA is as good as or exceeds many products that your dealer offers. If you want to read up a little more - here is an article from Honest John: ... insurance/
Real life testimonial from a customer who made a GAP Insurance claim with ALA Insurance Brokers:

"ALA with my loss were great on the phone and within 3 weeks of notifying them I had a cheque in the post, so I would recommend that you use ALA Insurance Brokers"

Graham Jones

Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:01 am

Post by Slinky »

Dont buy Gap insurance when buying new without checking your insurance as some policies already cover you for the 1st year.
Posts: 167
Joined: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:55 pm

Post by Metalmickey »

brought gap insurance, car was pre registered so not covered on insurance 'As New', £250 cover 5 years {£50 per year), dealer wanted £400 cover 3 years so no brainer for me.
Posts: 633
Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:29 pm

Post by kt53 »

I didn't take out GAP insurance. The one glaring issue with the one offered by the dealer was the cap at 'Full purchase price'. As I got close to 4 grand off the price - brand new, if I binned it a couple of months down the road I'd be short changed anyway. I also have 1 year GAP on my car insurance.
Posts: 1891
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:42 am

Post by xtreats »

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